When I had my first child, I had no plans to go back to work. I suddenly had to go back into the workforce when he was three months old. He was not prepared at all and my son went from being an exclusively breastfed baby to a mostly formula baby in a short amount of time. I learned a lot from my experience with him and was much more prepared when I had my daughter. I was able to exclusively breastfeed her and work full time. Because of what I went through, the emotions of trying to get enough milk for the next day, I wanted to put all my tips together and write them down for others to use. I hope you find these tips useful.

1. Plan ahead if possible. Get a stockpile in the freezer before you head back to work.

2. Don’t just pump at work. Pump at home on your days off and before and after work.

3. Pump while nursing. Pump on one side while nursing on the other.

4. Find a good place to pump where you feel comfortable and can relax.

5. Make sure everyone at work knows how important breastfeeding is and doesn’t interrupt it.

6. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Drink a large glass of water about an hour before you pump.

7. Use a good quality double breast pump like the Ameda Purely Yours.

8. If your supply is running low, rent a hospital grade pump.

9. Find other moms to talk about who are breastfeeding and pumping.

10. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t pump a large volume at a time. Most moms pump about three ounces per pump.

11. Pump frequently. Pumping often is more important than how long you pump.

12. Try to pump at least every three hours.

13. Expressing milk is NOT as effective as breastfeeding. Do not calculate your milk supply by how much you express. Your baby will get more milk from nursing than you will from pumping.

14. Before nursing, relax and give yourself a quick breast massage. This will help you get a better let down.

15. Every time you give your baby a bottle, be sure to pump instead.

16. Nurse often at night or try the reverse cycle. The reverse cycle is when the baby nurses more at night than during the day.

17. Co-sleep the baby if you feel comfortable so you can nurse more at night. Nursing at night will help her supply.

18. Try to drink tea with breast milk.

19. Eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Oats are really good for increasing milk supply.

20. Avoid giving the baby a bottle before three weeks.

21. Use a slow flow nipple for your bottles.

22. Find a day care provider who supports breastfeeding. An uneducated day care provider can sabotage your success.

23. Take fenugreek or blessed thistle

24. If you need to supplement when you are at home, use a Supplemental Nursing System.

25. Don’t assume that because the baby is fussy it’s your provision. Many times the baby will complain for other reasons.

26. When making baby bottles for daycare, keep them in three-ounce servings. Your baby may only need three ounces at a time. If she needs more, go up to four.

27. Send small 2-ounce bottles of breast milk for the daycare to give to the baby if you are picking him up soon. This way, the baby will be ready to nurse when you bring him home.

28. Breastfeed on your lunch hour if you can.

29. Take a photo of the baby with you to work. Watch your baby when he is pumping. It will help you with your disappointment.

30. Let a nurse come in. On the weekend, spend the whole weekend in bed with your baby and breastfeed as often as possible.

31. During the pumping session, take a break when the milk stops flowing. Massage your breast and use nipple stimulation to get a second let-down. You’ll usually get another ounce or so if you can get a second run down.

32. Cut down on caffeine. Caffeine will hinder your supply

33. Do not go on extreme diets. Eat a healthy diet.

34. Contact a La Leche League leader or lactation consultant for advice.

35. Avoid using bottles and pacifiers when you are at home.

36. Try to change nurses when you are home. Nurse on one side, then switch to the other when the baby seems restless. Change sides two or three times while nursing.

37. Remind yourself of all the worthwhile benefits your baby is receiving!

38. Keep your pump pre-assembled so you can shorten your pumping breaks.

39. If you use a horned pump, place them in a Ziploc bag and store in the freezer between pumps. This way, you can wash them when you get home.

40. If you can, do your paperwork while you pump. This way, you can have more breaks to pump and you will relax more if you are not concentrating on pumping.

41. Don’t look at the bomb. Staring at the breast pump will make your session more stressful.

42. Adjust the suction controls, experiment with speed and suction until you find what works best for you.

43. Keep replacement parts available for your pump so you don’t have emergencies.

44. If you have a hands-free pump like whispering clothes, try pumping on the way to work.

45. Massage your breasts while pumping.

46. ​​​​​​Pump in the morning. Your supply is best in the morning.

47. Bring a baby blanket or item of clothing that smells like a baby. Use your senses to visualize your baby.

48. Close your eyes and imagine a baby nursing.

49. Keep a backup pump at work or in your car in case you forget it. The Advent Isis is affordable and a great pump to have as a backup.

50. Pat yourself on the back for giving your baby the best!

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