I use the word ‘higher self’ to refer to the highest aspect of man. You can call it your soul, your spirit, your conscience, it doesn’t matter.

It is the highest level of consciousness (being) that man can reach in any incarnation. It is at this point that man can do the greatest good for himself and for others.

According to the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics, we constantly ‘blink in and out’ of the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God with one purpose and one purpose only.

Continually raise our levels of consciousness. In this way we move closer and closer to our ‘higher self’ our soul.

Reaching this Goal will allow our ‘higher self’ to work with us 24/7 in all our earthly dealings.

But to get in touch with our ‘higher self’ we need to destroy all our negative emotions. Negative emotions close the door to our ‘higher self’.

If we knew what we lose by continually indulging in our negative emotions and allowing them to control our lives, we would be horrified.

Since we cannot do away with our emotional nature completely, we must learn to purify our emotions.

The purification of our emotions begins with the observation and separation of these negative emotions. Hate, lust, greed, fear, anger are some of them.

In the great work of our lives to become more aware and in touch with our ‘higher selves’, the observation and separation of our negative emotions must become a daily work for us.

There are those who say if there is a God why does he not help us or do it for us. Why doesn’t he make us into the wonderful negative free beings we were supposed to be?

Because we were created self-developed organisms capable of turning ourselves into God. But we must EARN this state of being for ourselves.

If God or anyone else could transform us into a wonderful state of higher consciousness, free of negativity, the entire meaning of life on planet Earth would have to be altered.

We flicker out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, as self-developed organisms, as potential gods for the sole purpose of making ourselves. No outside help needed. No second coming or intervention of ‘higher forces’. No. 7 cavalry. We do it all by ourselves or we don’t do it at all.

It is the level of consciousness (being) of man both individually and collectively that attracts the quality of life on this planet.

Wars, cruelty, horror, greed, immorality occur (watch TV and newspapers) because the collective level of consciousness (being) of man on the planet today is at a very dangerously low level.

There is no guarantee that we will not be swept away like Atlantis and other civilizations before it were.

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