Starting a dog walking club is a great way to turn your daily walk into a social event for both you and your furry friend. Making it a group event can also help ensure that you don’t skip days and that both you and your dog get outside and get the exercise you need. If you can make new friends in the meantime and help socialize your dog, then that’s just an added bonus!

For many people, getting up to walk their dog is a chore that can get boring and tedious at times. Starting a club can add a sense of novelty, and can give you and your dog the social element that will get you out the door on a regular basis, and give your dog the playtime and exercise that is essential for his health . Starting a dog walking club is not hard to do and it will probably grow much faster than you can imagine.

The first step is to print out some flyers, or even create a Facebook group page for people interested in the club who live in the area. For best results, focus on your immediate neighborhood, putting up signs at the local coffee shop and on local bulletin boards. Provide a social page to follow and a phone number to arrange outings. Depending on your dog, it may be a good idea to specify the type of canine personalities that will be welcome in order to avoid dangerous or aggressive dogs.

Don’t worry about waiting until you have a large group, but once you have 3 or 4 members you can start organizing outings and taking your dogs for walks during the week, and even long walks on the weekends. This is a wonderful activity to do with a group, as you have the security of numbers, and your dogs will have so much fun meeting new playmates and exploring together. Don’t be surprised if you start to lose weight and get fitter too, as you are more motivated to get out of the house and get moving.

Starting a dog walking club is a great way to turn your daily walks and weekend excursions with your dog into a social gathering for both you and your pet. Post neighborhood signs on local pages and boards to find dog owners in your area who are interested in joining your club. You’ll be surprised when your dog walks become something you look forward to, too, instead of a chore.

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