Organizational skills are of utmost importance in a blind student’s educational environment and include: student / teacher organization, materials management, timely preparation of class lessons in transcribed braille, and even interline braille math workbooks Nemeth so non-braille reading staff can offer help when needed. Your blind student will find it easier to keep up with class in an organized and well-prepared classroom environment. It is essential to instruct your staff and students in simple preparation tips, modifications, and techniques that will make the school day an efficient and effective learning experience.

1. It is always easier to teach good organizational skills early on (preschool-kindergarten) than to teach them in later school years. Teach your student to be prepared and organized by being a good role model.

2. Your braille student will likely need additional space to store numerous supplies, Braille books, and various adapted materials. Here is a suggestion that worked for my students!

Provide (2) desks for students to allow for good storage and organization of materials.

Desk # 1 This is your student’s desk for classroom work and storage of frequently used braille literary materials. Literary materials to be kept on this desk may include: aural / braille dictionary, Perkin eraser, whiteboard and stylus, marking supplies (crayons, colored pencils with braille labels for easy identification), and a reference guide to literary braille codes. Store currently used literary braille books in order of volume under the student work desk / literary desk.

Desk # 2: This desk is for storing Nemeth work folders, math related materials (braille ruler, auditory calculator, abacus, analog braille clock, braille multiplication and division tables, and miscellaneous math materials). The student can also use a Nemeth reference guide sheet or book while in the process of learning their Nemeth symbols, which should be available on this desk. Store currently used Nemeth braille books in order of volume under the math desk in a box or box for easy access. It is helpful for the blind student to have this additional desk and enough table / storage area next to it to avoid the constant lifting of heavy materials such as the Perkin Brailler. Therefore, please keep the Perkin Brailler at the top of this desk to the left of the student so that it is available.

3. Keep the literary and Braille Nemeth reference sheets up to date that include all the literary code and Nemeth that the student has learned. Both reference sheets should be updated during braille lessons to include the newly learned braille code for reference. Offer a short reference guide once the student has completed the literary code. A list of basic rules governing the braille code should also be available in braille for the student’s reference. This list of reference guides is an especially useful reference tool for more complicated Nemeth code.

4. Educational Braille books not currently in use should be kept in a convenient place in the classroom; review the location with the student and encourage them to access their braille books independently or follow them until the student becomes completely independent in this process. Volumes should be removed once completed or no longer needed and sent home for reference.

5. Seek to have your student’s Nemeth workbooks fully or partially transcribed in print over braille so non-braille staff can assist the student with instruction when needed.

6. Store smaller items such as a pencil, crayons, a small ruler, the Perkin braille eraser, and sundries in a container for easy access.

7. Provide a braille calendar in the early educational years to use in group activities and include your blind student in the group calendar activities. Have a small braille calendar available for student reference during group table activities. It is essential that the student is taught how to tactically read a braille calendar in an organized and efficient manner. Students should also have a calendar available at home. These calendars are available from leading companies that manufacture adaptive products for the blind.

8. Use non-slip material under the Perkins Brailler to reduce slippage on the desk.

9. Use canvas or cloth backpacks on the back of the student’s chair to organize and store folders and daily work assignments. Classroom and homework folders should be clearly marked in Braille for easy identification, organization, and accessibility. Having folders in braille easily accessible to the student will allow them independence in the organization and placement of assignments and work in the classroom. Chair backpacks are now commercially available or easy to make.

10. Have visible words such as transcribed braille cards on hand. Provide braille cards for use both at school and at home. High-frequency words can be easily reviewed in braille lessons and updated as needed. Keep cards protected in plastic token boxes.

11. Mark crayons, colored pencils, and paint box colors with Braille labels so they can be easily identified. Keep a variety of writing utensils on the student’s desk for easy access.

12. Take the time to develop the skill of “marking” with your student in the early years. Developing the ability to mark with a pencil or tactile mark that includes circles, a check mark, or an X is an invaluable skill as your student begins taking teacher-made multiple-choice tests. This basic skill develops fine motor skills and organized tactile exploration, which is also an essential skill for tactile graphic reading and mapping skills later in life. Tactile marking can be included in simple games like Tic-Tac-Toe.

13. Start a “braille homework” folder, a “to transcribe” and “to be a braille folder” to help maintain good organization and flow of student class work. The student should be taught to be responsible for their homework portfolio and to complete work in it. Provide your braille transcriber with an adequate period of time for materials to be formatted and embossed in a timely manner.

14. Look at your student’s class seats. Does your student pay better attention from the teacher in advance?

15. Include your student in class teacher “helper” assignments such as: keeping attendance log to office staff, taking class lunch orders to appropriate cafeteria staff, handing out the papers, commitment and other class activities. This gives your student the opportunity to develop their Orientation and Mobility skills, school memory mapping, and socialization skills. Take advantage of opportunities to develop appropriate socialization skills (i.e. social greetings / courtesies, receptive skills development, and

expressive speech and closing conversation).

16. Backpack organizing skills are a priority. Having an organized backpack with marked braille binders and developing a consistent routine for placing work and braille binders will help your student become an organized, efficient, and active participant in the home and classroom.

17. Use braille name labels for personal cubicles, especially if printed labels are used for sighted students. Look for end cubicles or cubicles that are easily accessible and identifiable to the blind student. Braille labels for cubicles and cubicles are especially useful in preschool and offer a great opportunity for the student to be exposed to braille.

18. Provide students with braille labels for classrooms, bathroom, nurse’s office, art room, music room, science room, PE room, cafeteria, and main office for identification until the student fully learns their route and important room locations. These braille labels can be discontinued if they are no longer needed.

19. With the large number of new technologies and resources (Braille Note, Franklin Language Master, audio book player, etc.), it is recommended to keep all manuals organized in a folder for easy reference. Braille Note users should be encouraged to explore the Braille manuals to become familiar and refer to them in the future, as appropriate.

20. Be sure to display your student’s braille stories, class work, and art work with their sighted peers. Display your student’s work at hand level so colleagues and staff can explore the work in braille. Please attach a hard copy so others can also read your students’ papers / stories and enjoy their creativity.

21. Ask your student to describe their assignments in braille. This braille homework outline serves as an excellent Braille reference reminder and provides a review of homework expectations.

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