A question for people who constantly suffer from diarrhea or constipation should be: “What is the symptom of IBS?” Knowing what the symptoms of IBS are would help them overcome their bout of pain and have a more predictable and manageable bowel movement.

Most people ignore the telltale signs and symptoms that IBS expresses. They just think that it is something that is naturally wrong with their stomachs or intestines. The truth is, it could be a great sign of a disorder. Therefore, it is better to ask what is the symptom of IBS and what you can do to overcome it.

People go about their day to day experiencing diarrhea or constipation and generally just ignore it as a regular part of everyday life. They forget to examine what might be the reason they are experiencing this or even suspect that if it happens too often, it could be turning into a symptom of IBS. Most of the time, people tend to overlook the question, “What is the symptom of IBS and how could it affect me?” They usually write it down as something to do with what they just ate and it will go away. Unfortunately, these symptoms don’t go away too often.

So what is the symptom of IBS? Often times, it’s really hard to tell if it was just something bad that you ate and your stomach didn’t agree with it, or if you’re already suffering from the onset of IBS symptoms. This is why it is important to really know what constitutes a symptom of IBS in order to distinguish the disorder from other conditions. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. ) If you have cramps or unexplained pain in the abdomen area; something you are not used to or have not experienced when you had diarrhea or constipation then it could be a great sign of irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. ) Bloating is a common occurrence, especially in women during their time of the month, but if you feel more bloated than usual; it’s time to look for other signs of IBS.
  3. ) Flatulence is embarrassing, but it is a great indication of IBS.
  4. ) If you experience constipation and diarrhea on the same day, you are out of the normal zone and you really should consider checking with a health expert to find out if you are already in the midst of IBS.
  5. ) If your stool has mucus in it, it is a good indication that something is wrong with your GI tract.
  6. ) Nausea and headache are always present when it comes to irritable bowel symptoms and may be absent if it is just a disagreement between the foods you have eaten and your system.

If you experience any of the signs mentioned above, it is an indication of what the symptom of IBS is. You can go to the nearest clinic for suggestions on what medicine to take or see a health expert and have a new diet plan to help ease the painful signs of irritable bowel syndrome.

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