What exactly is Abhyanga? Abhyanga is a full body warm oil ritual massage that, while wonderfully comforting and luxuriously relaxing, heals the body and mind. However, it is a daily massage therapy. What does it actually do and how exactly does it serve to improve the functioning of the body? Our body accumulates stress and tension.

This is partly the result of the busy schedule that we live and the high degree of stress that we carry in our professional life that greatly affects our personal circle and mainly our health and well-being. Imagine yourself and the kind of stress it puts on your body, especially your neck and eyes, sitting in the office, in front of your computer from 9am to 5pm. Now imagine the tension that will likely build up in your muscles when you have the same routine for an entire week. Abhyanga helps the body to get rid of accumulated stress and muscle tension. The following are the advantages of Abhyanga.

Ayurvedic massage improves blood circulation. Blood circulation is extremely necessary when it comes to reducing muscle stress and nerve complications. It not only contributes to muscle toning but also to toning the whole body. Apart from that, it calms the nerves and improves psychological well-being and mental alertness. It is also a very effective tool when it comes to arthritis. Helps relieve joint pain by improving lubrication. Another important function of Ayurvedic massage is to get rid of waste from our body. The process of eliminating waste from the body is an important function that Ayurvedic massage helps. It has to do mainly with the regulated and decided supply of oxygen throughout the body, which the massage ensures.

Traditionally performed in the morning, the Ayurvedic massage serves to release the body’s toxins accumulated the night before. Added to that, it provides help to the skin to perform all the tasks with resolution. For example, massage ensures the correct absorption of nutrients by the tissues. Unlike the spa, the traditional Abhyanga provides a very herbal and natural treatment as the products it uses are naturally derived. For example, use chemical-free organic sesame oil. Due to the antioxidants present in the natural oil, the skin remains very healthy. It can also be helped by the use of herbal massage oils.

Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to touch therapy is unique not only for the absence of chemicals or the minimal use of chemicals, but also for the fact that it can be performed on a daily basis. Also, the investment cost in the products is comparatively less. Added to that is the fact that it is very effective. So if you are planning to plunge into the field of targeted healthcare service, traditional Ayurvedic massage service is worth investing in. What you need in the first place to start a venture as such are furniture for massages and spas.

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