The benefits of coffee fragrance

I came across a very interesting article in “Popular Science” that talked about the benefits of smelling the aroma of coffee. It is a well-known fact that the coffee bean contains stimulants that speed up your body’s metabolism and thus give you that extra boost of energy. But, scientists are now also studying the effects of the mere aroma of coffee and have made some interesting discoveries. If you really don’t like drinking coffee, you can still get some of the same benefits. The aroma of coffee has been found to help with poor sleep, exhaustion, and help reduce stress.

Light a coffee-scented candle and reap the benefits

By lighting a coffee-scented soy candle, you can enjoy the same benefits of that rich, robust coffee aroma and never make a cup of coffee or have to drink it. Simply lighting one of these scented jar candles can awaken your senses and keep you motivated throughout your busy day. By combining other aromas with the wonderful aroma of coffee, you can also affect your emotions and moods.

You can add the telltale aromas of orange or rich spices to really give the coffee aroma that extra motivational “oomph”; or you can add the soft, sweet tones of vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut to add to that warm, comforting fragrance. The fragrance of coffee is the most recognizable, comforting and warm fragrance and with the use of scented candles in jars in wonderful coffee fragrances it is one that everyone, even non-coffee drinkers, can enjoy.

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