Online gaming has become so popular these days and the internet is full of games that can be played online. A particular category of games are pet related games.

Pet games are very attractive especially for children and teenagers. Children like to play all kinds of games with cats and dogs. They like to take care of animals, give them food to eat, play with their virtual pet and sometimes watch them grow. The most popular pets are dogs and cats, but players can find online games with horses, ponies, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, lizards, turtles, fish, birds, and even frogs.

Now let’s see what types of pet games can be found online.

First of all, there are virtual games, which are the most popular and all children would like to play. Virtual pet activities are very popular nowadays and youngsters spend a lot of time playing with them. There are virtual games that need to be downloaded, but there are many that can be played directly online.

Virtual pet games (or adoption games) are games where you choose a pet to adopt, give it a name, and then start caring for it, with similar needs to a real animal. Some sites offer personal pages for your pet and thus your pet becomes someone online. Your pet can be part of a community of other pets, you can chat with other virtual pet owners and join different pet activities. You can send e-cards, enter pet contests, etc. It’s like having a live pet, just like that.

There are also many sites where players can create and design their own pet to their liking, customize it and be part of a community. They can make their own pet creature and be unique among others.

Virtual pets are so much fun and one of the reasons many like them is that they don’t have goals to achieve, just take care of their pet. These types of games are very different from others that can be found online.

Pet dress up games are small and simple games where players have to dress up their pet. Some common pets are cats, dogs, ponies, and horses. There are many ways to dress up a pet, and these games allow users to use their imagination and dress up a pet any way they want. As everyone would dare to guess, dress up games are much loved by girls, just like dress up games. Girls like to let their imaginations run wild, dressing up and having an intense sense of fashion, and these types of games are one of their favorites.

Common pet-related games are small and with personalized goals. Some of these are horse racing games, animal puzzle games, pet competitions, matching games and many more.

Many games can be found online and there are many sites where you can play for free. If you want to find them, just search your favorite search engine for online pet games or whatever you want.

Pet related games are so much fun and parents don’t need to worry about their kids.

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