Was Jesus Christ the first hippie to go around saying “Man of Peace”?

Well, I know that to most people this question will sound ridiculous, even laughable, but there is a very serious side to this question. Outside of the hippie, which started in my youth in the late 1960s, a new religion came, it just wasn’t new. It was and is as old as ancient Babylon itself, if not older. However, the hippie phenomenon never died out; Those who were a part of it and could never give it up as they aged, became members of the New Age Religion or Movement. The New Age Movement is just an extension of pantheism (belief that matter is a manifestation of God). It also takes from a myriad of belief systems; Utopianism, Buddhism, Brahmanism, Hari-Krishna, mysticism, sorcery, crystals, witchcraft and the occult, in other words, devil worship. These people even believe in a ‘Christ’ and of course this ‘Christ’ is an antichrist. He’s also the king of hippies with his long hair and goatee! By now, have you noticed how adaptable and flexible this effeminate weakling ‘Jesus’ is?

As many of us already know, hippies during the sixties and early seventies were big on hallucinatory drugs. Hallucinatory drugs, once absorbed into the human anatomy, on a regular basis, affect the mind in such a way that they give demons and the Devil easy access to their minds. They open the door to demon possession and all the negative effects that come with it. This is not everything; many of these emotionally unstable, immature and irresponsible drug traffickers became politicians and are now our “leaders.” These are the same people who ‘rule us’ and believe in a utopian New Age or New World Order: the World Government. Recent and current Western leaders are all ‘inscribed members’ in this utopian New Age or New World Order nonsense. Why is it silly? It is silly because it is doomed; It will fail as all man-made plans for world dominance and government have failed in the past.

To compound their deluded miserable condition, these New Agers can and do claim to have a spiritual dimension, but what kind of spirituality are we talking about? Well, as we can see, it is definitely not the spirituality of the Holy Spirit. How do we know this, we know it because the Lord Jesus Christ is never given glory for anything they do, and neither could it be, and why? The reason is simple; nothing they do is from the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing is led by the Holy Spirit. Everything they do is theirs and their perverted drug-damaged minds, with prompting and encouragement from the Devil himself. Apart from the Holy Spirit, the only other types of spirits are demonic or evil spirits. I will repeat that, because it is vitally important: in addition to the Holy Spirit of Deity, there are only demon spirits. We need to understand this basic fundamental truth.

The New Age Movement is based on witchcraft. The Word of God has a name for these people: Necromancers; people who have contacts and dealings with evil spirits. Some do this on the pretext that they are talking to the dead: sorcerers, mystics, and mediums, etc. This in itself is a lie because the dead are dead (asleep) and know nothing. Deuteronomy 18: 10-11 Will not be found among you anyone who puts their son or daughter through fire, (precursor of abortion) or uses divination, (water fortune tellers and levitation experts) or an observer of the times (astrologers, fortune tellers, palm and tarot readers ). readers), or a charmer (hypnotists), or a witch, (witchcraft, crystal users often like lifestyle gurus) 11 Or a charmer, or a consultation with familiar spirits (spiritists or mediums), or a wizard ( sorcery, sorcerers, magicians, practitioners of voodoo or black magic), or a necromancer. (All brackets lead)

All the above activities are of the Devil and all the things the Deity commanded Israel not to get involved in, to avoid at all costs. Israel, like us today, completely ignored the Lord’s counsels and commandments. Their loving parental advice and warnings were completely ignored and they ultimately paid the inevitable price, the price of punishment in the form of national invasion and captivity. Will Britain and America come to the same catastrophic end, I hope not, but all the evidence and signs are to the contrary? There is even a biblical prophecy to back it up, which I will address in another article.

Was Jesus Christ all Hollywood luvvy duvvy, sentimental and always so kind trying not to offend people?

There is the answer to this. The problem here is the word ‘love’ and many Christians don’t understand what godly love is. God’s love when exercised toward us generally involves ‘hard’ things. His love is often a trial love as well as a love full of blessings. Why is that? Why, to help us develop our faith and strengthen us in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, Is this a mature fraternal bond, based on faith? It is not a relationship based on “feel good” sensationalism, sentimental sentimentality, or fleeting childish sentimentality. Some foolish ‘Christian’ women even romanticize their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is a brother to those the Father has chosen for Him, so when did a brother ever get romantically involved with a sister without making it incestuous, a wicked sin? Most of this nonsensical emotional garbage about the Lord Jesus Christ comes from what is known as the “Charismatic” movement. They are also known as “happy and crushing Christians” here in Britain.

I have been a member of one of these groups in the past and it was like a small sect with a very manipulative ‘minister’. It was all based on the following “experience” or “trick” to give everyone a “buzz” or a “new high.” This was like a drug fix for most of them and they all came Sunday morning to get it and then went home to suffer the ‘descent’. His songs would be modern pop songs with guitars, drums and electronic instruments that I have no complaints about. The problem was the vain and repetitive nature of the songs with verses repeated over and over again. This is something the Lord hates: Matthew 6: 7 But when you pray, don’t use vain repetitionsas people do, because they think they will be heard by their many words. The songs are just community prayers sung out loud. So here we have ‘Christians’ behaving like pagans do to get a mindless emotional high to ‘feel good’. Everything is vanity and everything is meaningless and the Lord Jesus Christ hates it.

If you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was ‘kind’ with a desire not to offend, mark, learn, and internally digest these Scriptures.

Luke 18: 22-23 When Jesus heard these things, he said to him: You still lack one thing: sell everything you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me. 23 And upon hearing this, he was very saddened, because he was very rich.. Here was a man who was a ruler and who had always kept the commandments and yet one thing was missing and the Lord Jesus Christ required him to become one of his followers. Tough love in action.

John 8: 10-11 When Jesus got up and saw no one but the woman, he said to her: Woman, where are those who accuse you? Has no one condemned you? 11 She said: Nobody, Lord. And Jesus said to him: I do not condemn you either. Go away and sin no more. Tough love in action.

Now here’s a real badass – Go and sin no moreBut no one can doubt the love that the Lord Jesus Christ showed him. How did he go and sin again, how did he do that without much confusion and inner struggle? We are not told, but we must remember that she was not born again, so she had no help with her spiritual battles, very difficult in fact.

John 2: 3-4 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus said to him: They have no wine. 4 Jesus said to him: Woman, what have I to do with you? My time has not yet come.

A quick refutation of the Lord Jesus Christ to His mother to rebuke her for her meddling. Tough love even for the mother of Jesus.

Matthew 16: 22-23 Then Peter took him and began to rebuke him, saying: Lord, be far from you; this will not happen to you. 23 But he, turning, said to Peter: Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you do not set your sights on the things of God, but on those of men.

The benefactor of Peter rebuked by the Lord Jesus Christ with love: tough love. Note also that doing good is of men, not of God.

We could also add to this list the number of times the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked and admonished the Pharisees and Sadducees with terms such as viper’s nests, hypocrites, whitewashed tombs, etc. All done with love to show you the error of your ways. Were they listening? No, but I hope so, because it’s time to stop putting your faith in a fake Christ, a sissy wimpy Christ who is king of the Christian religion and those wretched aging hippies!

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