It can feel like pins and needles or just a dull ache. It can be big or small, pink or red, serious or just a nuisance. Penile irritation affects every man at some point in his life, probably more than once. While it’s easy to jump to conclusions and think the worst, most of the time it’s easy to fix and even easier to prevent. Let’s talk about the causes of penile skin irritation and how to revere penile irritation.

Irritated Penile Skin Reason #1: Ingrown Hairs

One of the most common reasons for penis irritation is ingrown hair. These little red bumps are super sensitive, and despite their size, they can be quite painful when touched or rubbed against. Ingrown hairs occur anywhere a man shaves, including the penis area, so be sure to use shaving gel or oil, a fresh razor, and follow up with an ingrown hair inhibitor like Tend Skin.

Irritated Penile Skin Reason #2: Allergic Reaction

Another very common reason for penis irritation is an allergic reaction. Redness, rash, itching, and pain are some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction, which can be caused by anything that comes into contact with the penis, including lubricants, condoms, lotions, laundry detergent, body wash, and the lotion or fragrance of your partner. as well as.

Irritated Penile Skin Reason #3: Friction Burn

Skin that becomes irritated or experiences friction burns can be a very uncomfortable situation. When it is in the reproductive region, even more so. Many things can cause friction in this area, such as dry sex, masturbating without lubrication, wearing pants that are too tight, or unnatural fibers. Friction or rubbing can lead to more than just penile irritation, as it can also lead to skin breakdown that invites infection or reduces penile sensitivity.

Irritated Penis Skin Reason #4: Balanitis

An irritation of the penis that includes redness, rash, swelling, itching, foul-smelling discharge, and painful urination could be balanitis. Located on the head of a man’s penis, balanitis is a skin infection that can be the result of an allergic reaction, diabetes, or simply poor hygiene. It tends to affect men who have not been circumcised more than their cut counterparts.

Irritated penis skin Reason #5: Yeast infection

Yes, men can get candidiasis. Do you notice a thick, whitish discharge and an itchy rash around your penis? Your penis irritation could be attributed to a yeast infection, or as it is also known, Candida.

Irritated Penile Skin Reason #6: Peyronie’s Disease

When a man has a curve of 20 percent or more in his penis, the irritation of his penis could be Peyronie’s disease. It can cause a man to feel severe pain when having an erection, having sex, or urinating. Some men with Peyronie’s disease may also have trouble getting an erection.

Irritated Penile Skin Reason #7: Lichen Sclerosus

The rarest of the penile irritations listed, lichen sclerosus is an atypical skin disorder that affects a man’s groin and anus. It presents with white spots on the skin of the penis and is accompanied by pain, redness, itching, blisters, bleeding or scarring. Doctors aren’t sure what causes this condition.

Prevention of penis irritation

Prevention of penis irritation can be summed up in a few quick tips:

– Use loose and natural fabrics.

– Always test new products that come into contact with the area before using them

– Wash immediately after having sex or exercising.

– Wash thoroughly every day, making sure to use a mild cleanser, warm water and rinse well.

– Use a specially formulated penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil that has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on the skin) to keep skin fresh and clear. This cream not only soothes and calms irritated skin on the penis, it helps prevent it from happening in the first place. It also contains vitamin A, an antibacterial, to keep infections at bay.

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