Every aspiring film composer with a passion for songwriting dreams of composing the hit song for that top grossing movie which will immediately remind you of the movie scenes. Consider John-Williams, one of the world’s greatest film composers, a five-time Oscar winner and composer of more than 80 films. These movies include some of the best movies of all time, such as the Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Jaws, ET-The Extra Terrestrial, and many more. If you hope to become a famous movie composer, chances are you love movies and enjoy music. But as with any major achievement, the road to your goal isn’t always easy. Even John-Williams spent ten years learning the skills involved in professional songwriting.

Getting started with songwriting

If you want to be like John-Williams, here are some tips to get you started in your passion as a film composer or pursue a career as a composer.

* Enroll in a school that offers a film scoring program where you can learn about the various aspects of film composition while interacting with other applicants working on film projects.

* You may not become a film composer right away, but beginning your experience as a composer with commercials, documentaries, trailers, and similar projects is a good start. By working on a variety of projects, you’ll be able to build a strong portfolio with which you can approach film directors or producers.

* Start building your network with prominent people in the film industry who can recommend directors who are looking for them. John-Williams began his career as a film composer working with Bernard Herrmann, who composed the memorable music for Psycho.

* As you work on different projects, create demo CDs of your work that you can distribute to potential directors.

* Technology has facilitated teleworking and collaboration globally. But it still makes a big difference to be physically located where the action is happening. This means being closed to others, directors and music publishers.

* Persistence is the most important thing for someone who wants to be a film composer or excel at songwriting. John-Williams is a prime example. When he has the talent, qualifications, and contacts along with the right opportunity, he too can create an immortal theme song.

Getting ahead as a film composer takes time, connections, and flexibility. You may have to take other jobs down the road. John-Williams studied piano at Juilliard, after which he went on to play jazz piano in New York clubs.

Focus on composing music for music’s sake. Let your only goal be to create great music, like John-Williams. Above all, continue to practice your songwriting skills. Money and fame will surely follow when you are recognized.

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