Chios (pronounced chee’ ohss) Energy Healing is a fairly new healing art that works to correct energetic defects and helps restore the auric field to its natural healthy state. Chios works to restore the body’s energy system using special tools and techniques that act on the chakras and upper layers of the aura. These tools can help the practitioner perform techniques that can help people stay energetically well, which can help prevent the development of diseases in the body. Chios also has additional procedures for the chronically or seriously ill.

Chios is taught in 3 levels, and although it is not necessary, it is recommended to receive the corresponding initiations by a qualified teacher. The attunements will help open the students’ channeling abilities faster than if they didn’t receive them. Each Chios level has a symbol that corresponds to the attunement for that level, and only a certified Chios master teacher can perform the procedure. Tunings can be done in person or remotely depending on the preference of the student.

The first attunement opens the healing student’s ability to channel healing energy through their hands. They will learn to work and conduct energy through their hands and begin to feel the human energy field using the hand-passing method. They will also learn hand positions for healing treatments.

The second attunement greatly increases the ability of the student’s hands to channel energy, color and light. Generates the ability to shape and direct color and light in the direction they want it to go. They will learn how to seal leaks and tears in the aura, clear the aura, unblock chakras, charge the aura, and correct the flow of energy. They will begin to learn to see the colors of the aura and chakras and how to use light in healing.

The third attunement accelerates the student’s ability to attract and channel energy, color and light. At this level, they will learn chakra system rebalancing, chakra charging, structural energetic defect correction, seventh layer focal healing, and other tools useful in their healing practice. The student’s psychic and empathic ability will also increase as they become more connected to the universal life force.

The final tune is the master tune. This attunement will allow the master teacher to attune the students to this powerful energy healing system. The Chios Master attunement can expand an individual’s consciousness and healing abilities to a very high level. Many Chios Masters have major life changes and feel that this is not just an energetic healing modality, but a spiritual journey. Another incredible benefit of being a Chios Master Healer is that when you are healing someone else, you are also healing yourself.

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