Companies that produce and sell reverse osmosis units tout the capabilities of the systems as the greatest innovation in the history of filtration and claim that no home can afford to be without one. As with other “snake oil sellers” throughout history, the claims of manufacturers of reverse osmosis water filtration systems are greatly exaggerated.

Reverse osmosis units simply don’t have a useful place in most homes across the country. Reverse osmosis water filtration systems are beneficial in some industrial applications and portable units have military and mission applications.

Army field units and aiding missionaries can use portable reverse osmosis units to extract and filter very poor quality water, creating “drinking” water. Reverse osmosis water filtration systems, for the most part, will prevent immediate illness from biological contamination. They will not filter out pesticides and other chemical contaminants, but the adverse health effects of these are often long-term.

That is one of the main drawbacks of reverse osmosis units. Reverse osmosis water filtration systems only do part of the job.

To remove chemicals, such as chlorine, that must be added to prevent algae from growing on the filter and kill microscopic bacteria, the water must pass through additional filters. Even water treatment facilities don’t stop with reverse osmosis units. It’s just one step.

Even after chlorination and passing through reverse osmosis water filtration systems, the water may still contain small parasites (cryptosporidia, for example). They are resistant to chlorine disinfection. Only a micron filtration system that effectively removes cysts (a life stage of the parasite) can block them.

Treatment facilities use their reverse osmosis units to filter raw sewage, sludge, dirt particles, algae, and other larger contaminants. If you have cloudy, dirty water that doesn’t come from a public treatment facility, then you probably need reverse osmosis water filtration systems, otherwise they are a waste… a waste of money, time, and water.

Whole house reverse osmosis units cost upwards of $10,000 and that doesn’t include installation, for which you’ll need the help of a plumber and electrician. Extensive and careful maintenance must be performed on a regular basis, or the unit will cease to function.

The membranes in reverse osmosis water filtration systems are delicate and prone to rot. They break easily and manufacturing defects can render them ineffective. If you have reverse osmosis water filtration systems, you can never be 100% sure of the quality of your water, unless you use other filters on the faucets in the house.

Most of us need good water filters around our homes. If we have public water, we have to deal with chlorine. Treatment facilities cannot guarantee the absence of cryptosporidium and other disease-causing cysts in the public water supply. Lead is a problem in many homes. Well water can have numerous problems.

It’s just that reverse osmosis water filtration systems won’t solve most of those problems. If your water is really bad, portable reverse osmosis units may be a good first step, but they are not the final or only answer.

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