If you don’t pay close attention and do your best to protect yourself and comprehensively care for and, STRUGGLE, daily, for your personal health and wellness, no one else will! Generally, it is up to you whether you will help yourself and take control of your luck and destiny, or simply wish and hope for personal health and happiness. Henry Ford is generally credited with saying: You may think you can or you can’t. Either way, you will be correct! The comic genius, Groucho Marx, proclaimed, It is a matter of mind over matter. If you don’t have a mind, it doesn’t matter! With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is an important consideration/factor.

1. Face the facts; future; fears; fruition: Many people allow their fears to control them, instead of proactively moving forward, self-serving, etc.! Procrastinating and/or refusing to face the facts is counterproductive. Rather, the smart thing to do is to prioritize your future and develop a well-thought-out strategy to transform lemons, in lemonade, and bring, wise actions and plans, to fruition!

two. Integrity; imagination; inner self; innovate; ideas; problems; intentions: Either you are proceeding with personal integrity, or you are just kidding yourself! Examine your inner being and your desires, and proceed with the level of imagination, to be ready to innovate, as necessary and necessary! When you are aware of and admit to any personal issues, you are able to consider and use the best possible ideas that serve you best.

3. Greater than; guide; guide: The healthiest, happiest people are never satisfied, with the status quo, and look for greater actions and possibilities! They take as many preparations as possible and seek guidance, in a timely manner, from respected health professionals! An intelligent person uses this, as a guide, to become better, healthier and more self-satisfied!

Four. Cicatrization; heart head: Will you focus on your obstacles and perceive them as debilitating problems or challenges to overcome? It is wise to emphasize optimal healing, which requires, considering both its emotional and logical components, a head/heart balance!

5. Prompt; time tested; real; trends: Never procrastinate, because doing so is generally harmful and counterproductive! It is better to proceed, throughout life, in a timely and well thought-out manner! The more you understand and use time-tested knowledge, while effectively taking advantage of relevant trends, the better prepared you are for optimal health and wellness!

Are you ready, willing and able to STRUGGLE for your own health and well-being? Are you up to the task?

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