Walking your Yorkie is a great way for you and him to get some exercise. But more importantly, walking your terrier will improve his overall health and well-being. Walking your Yorkie will help keep him fit and you won’t have to worry about him getting fat or lazy, which could lead to illness.

All dogs should exercise, not just Yorkies. Dogs make great walking companions and are eager to go for a walk. It’s the best time of day for your Yorkie when you ask him if he wants to go out. He will show his excitement by barking and wagging his tail.

Simply letting your Yorkie out in his backyard, which he thinks is a big kennel to play in, isn’t enough exercise for them. Your Yorkie needs something to look forward to just like you or you’ll have a bored dog on your hands and that can only spell trouble. For your terrier to reap the benefits of exercise, he must walk every day.

Another benefit of walking your Yorkie is that it can improve any behavioral issues that they may have. By walking your Yorkie on a leash in his area, you can properly socialize him with other dogs, people, loud noises, and other outdoor activities. As he learns to recognize all of these different sounds, he will realize that they are not a threat to him.

Taking your Yorkie out to an area where he can run free is also an enjoyable treat where he can really run around to his heart’s content. Since Yorkies are very energetic dogs, running around freely will go a long way in raising all that energy. All this good exercise will result in a much calmer and more relaxed pet. A more relaxed terrier is a good terrier.

So there you have it, walking your Yorkie is not only beneficial for him, but it has benefits for you as well. He has the opportunity to be with you doing something he loves: walking and receiving positive attention from you. He can also experience new sights and sounds, sniff and socialize with other dogs, not to mention getting fresh air.

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