The YouTube method that you can use to drive traffic to your website is to make videos for the popular YouTube sharing website. YouTube sees about a billion users each month, so posting a video to YouTube almost guarantees it will be seen as long as you use the right keywords.

In this article, we’ll explore the process of making a video, and making it professional enough to drive traffic to your site, as well as the process of choosing keywords and posting it to YouTube.

Step one: make the video

The first thing you are going to have to do is make the video. What kind of video should you make? You can make any type of video you want, but keep in mind that your goal is to get people to watch the whole thing and want to know more later. You want them to read the description and find a link and then leave the YouTube site to go to your own website.

So this could be an instructional video. These types of videos are quite popular on YouTube and are ready to drive traffic to your website because if you give them almost all the information they need with the video and then promise them the rest if they go to your website, this will drive traffic.

You don’t want to make a video to simply promote your business because people won’t want to see it in the first place, and they won’t want to visit your website afterwards. But if you can make a fun or awesome video that evokes emotions and features your business as part of it, then you can get YouTube views and traffic to your website as well as shares.

If you’re going to stick to the methods of getting traffic without spending any money, you’re going to have to create the video yourself. However, there are websites like Fiverr that will allow you to outsource video production very cheaply. If you have to DIY, making a video isn’t too hard to do on your own anyway and you might find that you have a talent for it.

Step Two: Get Your Keywords

The next step we will take is to get the keywords that you will use in the title and tag sections of your YouTube video.

Your first task is to determine if someone is actually searching for the keywords you’ve chosen. Obviously, with keywords like ‘money’ or ‘invest’ you don’t have to look and see if someone is searching; you know that millions of people are using your search terms. But there’s no way you can compete for these search terms on YouTube without many years of hard work, so what you’re looking for are our search terms that only get some searches (but still get some) and are much easier to compete. for on YouTube.

You want to use the AdWords Keyword Planner ( because it’s the number one tool for finding out what kind of usage a search term is actually getting. You can simply type in your search terms and see the estimated monthly traffic a search term receives to make a decision based on that. Now, that’s not going to be the search traffic that term gets on YouTube, but it will give you an idea of ​​what’s popular when it comes to search and what isn’t.

Go for the ripe fruit

One trick is to opt for the “ripe fruit.” This means intentionally searching for keywords for your videos to get a very specific group of people to take action. Keywords are usually long tail.

The advantage of going for the fruit at your fingertips is that you will capture a more targeted audience and get an easier YouTube ranking. If you were to go with a broader term like “weight loss,” it would be almost impossible to classify it these days.

You won’t get as many people searching for longer tail keywords, but at least you’ll get higher quality viewers.

This is where you can “rinse and repeat” this method.

Step Three: Post the Video

Finally, your last step would be to post the video. There are many different ways to do this and one of the easiest is to publish directly from your video editing program.

Of course, you could post it directly to YouTube instead. You’ll need to have exported it from your video editing program or uploaded it from your camera if you didn’t do any editing, and it’ll need to meet certain specifications, like having the correct file format, following YouTube’s size guidelines, and other considerations. .

You can find out exactly what YouTube requires when you upload a video by going to your YouTube page and clicking ‘Upload’. Once you’ve uploaded your video, you can create the title and set your tags. Then you can go ahead and post it. It will be on YouTube and driving traffic to your website shortly.

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