How to fight overweight and help teens lose weight

Fighting overweight in adolescents can sometimes be difficult. Usually, children in their teens, especially between the ages of 16-19, have some freedom from their parents, so they can go anywhere they want with friends and other acquaintances. Most of the time they like to visit fast food restaurants when they are hungry and go to exciting places to have fun. […]

How Cardiovascular Exercise Helps You Lose Weight

Some form of cardiovascular exercise is a must if you want to lose weight. These activities involve running, jumping, and even dancing. In other words, any exercise that gets your heart pumping. Many people take aerobics classes for cardiovascular exercise. Aerobic exercises generally involve exercising to music in a coordinated way, almost like dancing. Aerobics became popular in the 1980s […]

Super Quinoa Diet

We have seen many diets come and go over the years. Most promised that you will lose weight fast, but do they really work? The Quinoa Super Diet works. The Super Quinoa Diet is new and is giving outstanding results. It hasn’t caught on yet because not many people have heard of quinoa. Quinoa, a species of goosefoot (Chenopodium), is […]

PAD – Intermittent Claudication – Natural Options

Intermittent claudication (Latin: claudicatio intermittens) is a clinical diagnosis given by muscle pain (ache, cramp, numbness, or a feeling of fatigue), typically in the calf muscles, that occurs during exercise and is relieved by a brief rest period. The term claudication comes from the Latin for ‘limping’. This is exactly what this condition forces someone to do: hobble to a […]