If you have candida, one of the first things you should do is adjust your diet. Doing so may not be an easy feat, but it will definitely be worth the effort you put into doing it.

By making changes one day and one step at a time, you can help your body combat the onslaught of candida that seems to have taken over your very being.

The changes mentioned here are not conclusive, but they are a great start to a healthier life.

1. The first thing you should look at are the foods you should avoid. Sugary foods, cheese, alcohol, chocolate, fermented foods, gluten, and grains such as oats, wheat, rye, and barley should be avoided. You should also avoid as much meat, pickles, raw mushrooms, vinegar, and any other yeast products as possible.

2. A non-dairy vegetarian diet of protein, unrefined yeast-free grains, and vegetables is best.

3. A low carb option is also good. Limit your daily carbohydrates to 80 grams per day. You may have more cravings for these as a result of candida, so be careful not to overdo it which can do you more harm.

4. Consider eating more of the following foods, as they inhibit the growth of candida: garlic, broccoli, turnips, kale, and collards. If possible, eat these foods raw. You can create some very tasty raw meals with fresh vegetables. A raw food diet can be very beneficial to your overall health.

5. Be sure to add a healthy amount of fiber to your diet because it helps cleanse the colon where disease really begins.

6. Thoroughly clean all fresh food to remove chemical sprays, bacteria, and fungi. Or go for the organic version which isn’t bad but still needs to be washed.

7. Opt for these safe foods: millet, brown rice, whole grains, and beans. Of course, as mentioned, a lot of vegetables.

There are many ways to combat candida and live a healthier life. Making a few changes to your diet, supplementing with vitamins, minerals, and friendly minerals like lactobacillus acidophilus will help your body heal. You can also consider herbs like burdock, ginger, echinacea, goldenseal, bee pollen, and kelp, which are helpful to use in your daily regimen.

Take the time to also research what you need to do when it comes to clothing, synthetic hormones, washing your clothes, and other factors.

The bottom line here is that you need to take control of your health or else it will take control of you. Your diet is an essential part of your life. What you put into your body has a direct effect on your health and the quality of your life.

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