Bass Fishing Tips

3 lures you must have Do you know what are the 3 best lures to catch bass? Although there are no specific statistics, a survey was conducted among professional fishermen and found that plastic worms won by a wide margin. Second and third place were the spinnerbait and then the crank bait. However, choosing one of these 3 is not […]

How to choose the best cell phones, rate plans and service

Cell phones are part of the “now” generation, instant contact, anywhere, anytime. People are looking for convenience, comfort and security. They have become something of a status symbol in our society, akin to the mindset that bigger is better, but with phones, the more features the better, and of course the smaller the better. They have certainly made modern life […]

painting with gouache

Several people have come to my website over the years as a result of doing web searches for gouache painting (pronounced “gwosh” or “goo-wash”), likely led there by the many gouache paintings listed on the site. . There is some conflicting information published on this topic. Accordingly, this article is to help you better understand this opaque watercolor medium based […]