Did you know that one of the key skills any good dating advice book will show you is communication?

Here’s a fact to consider: More than 60 percent of marriages in our society end in divorce. MORE THAN HALF of all new marriages will fail. This is very heartbreaking for individuals and for families. Do you know one of the most common reasons why these relationships fail? It is because of the lack of communication, or because of toxic communication.

Lack of communication goes beyond simply not saying “How was your day?” when the couple gets home, though the banter would no doubt be affectionate and polite.

The lack of communication means that both people are not being real with what is on their minds and in their hearts. However, they have simply stopped talking to each other. Actually, the first leads to the second condition. For example, men tend to keep their thoughts close to the vest, as the saying goes. It is in the nature of a man not to be expressive. Men are conditioned in this way, because they are taught that anything less than being a “punk”, “dumb”, or any other behavior means that they are simply not being a man on some level.

On the other hand, women do not communicate because they have been taught to play toxic games with the opposite sex. They are taught the game of “If he loves me then…”. Part of how this game works is that the man is supposed to guess what the woman is thinking and feeling. If he loves her, then he will always have her on radar at all times of the day, 24/7, always knowing exactly what is on her mind and in her heart. . She will never have to say anything to him. This absolves her of the responsibility of being a healthy communicative adult and “shows” her how much he loves her. Of course, because men don’t really have radar or mind-reading abilities, women’s needs are not met. She will respond to this with resentment, pouting, and bitterness.

This will result in a series of behaviors that are toxic and downright abusive. These behaviors may include “blame play,” scathing remarks, sarcasm, lashing out, yelling, name-calling, or outbursts of anger that include violence or tantrums. However, things can get icy. There will be blockages, ignoring, avoiding, neglecting the physical needs of others, and walking away until someone is not only cheating, but feels justified in their indiscretions.

A dating advice book that teaches couples how to communicate would help solve these problems. “A dating advice book?” someone might scream. Yes, the book is aimed at men who want to be successful in dating women and improve their relationships with them.

It goes without saying that couples at any stage of their relationship need to know how to communicate with each other. Without healthy communication and a healthy understanding of who each person is to each other, the relationship is doomed!

“Conversation Chemistry” is a dating advice book that allows you to communicate with women. This dating guide is loaded with 300 pages of practical advice for understanding and communicating with women. Learn the skills that will help you attract women on a deeper level and connection.

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