Conducting market research can help you determine if a GSA schedule is right for you. There are currently more than 15 categories of federal programs that cover a wide range of supplies and services. Once you locate the exact program that meets your needs, you’ll also be able to evaluate competitor products and prices, which will help you determine a reasonable price for your offer. The GSA program number will have special item numbers below it, which stands for SIN. A SIN is a subcategory within the main schedule. It provides a detailed description of what that particular product or service is within the main program number. Here are some steps to find a program that fits your needs:

I would first start at the GSA Electronic Schedule Library website. Once you’re on the site, enter a keyword into the search engine that best describes your product and a list of hours and SINs related to that category will appear. Be sure to read the schedule description and SINs so you can make a final decision on which schedule is best for you. Once you’ve made a decision on the schedule you’d like to bid on, you’ll be able to locate other contractors who currently have contracts with GSA on that schedule. Click on the SIN number below the category and a list of all contractors will appear, these are the suppliers that will be your competitors. Make a note of your GSA program number, contact information, discounts offered, and prices.

You will also be able to view the competitor’s price list by taking the contract number you noted above and entering that number into the eLibrary’s search engine. Competitors’ price list will be placed in a category titled “Contractor T&C Price List.” Researching your competition can help you with how you will be able to compete with other vendors in your field of expertise. Sometimes a schedule just doesn’t fit your company’s needs, so it’s best to take this step before applying for a contract.

If you are interested in a GSA program and are having trouble knowing where to start the process or would like help with your place in the federal marketplace, please contact me today. You can visit me on my website or contact me at the 800 number located at the top of the site.

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