Invent 101 – Learning the invention process

What is an invention? To briefly define its meaning, invention is a product or an idea conceptualized by an inventor through his productive imagination. Once an invention has materialized, it can bring fame and profit. Inventing is an extraordinary talent and can be a very rewarding experience, especially if it will benefit many people. It basically involves three basic processes; […]

The Responsibilities of an Automotive Service Manager Job

Many dealerships consider the automotive service manager an integral part of their business. They are the people in charge of acting as an intermediary between the clients and the service personnel. They are also responsible for other functions within this department. These managers hire for their department and must choose the most qualified person for the job. They are in […]

build business growth

Conducting market research can help you determine if a GSA schedule is right for you. There are currently more than 15 categories of federal programs that cover a wide range of supplies and services. Once you locate the exact program that meets your needs, you’ll also be able to evaluate competitor products and prices, which will help you determine a […]

Why your PPC campaign is not working

I have a client who has a stated goal of increasing the conversion of his pay-per-click ad. Your PPC ad is already appearing on the first SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for a keyword phrase that is highly relevant to your profession. Your competitor’s websites are largely nondescript and yours looks better graphically. So why aren’t you converting traffic into […]

The clouds belong to the sky

Admittedly, I’m not very tech-savvy. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that I am a techno-dummy. So why am I suddenly interested in Cloud? Basically, I think it interests me because everyone I know stores their data in it. I am usually behind when it comes to technology and this is one of those times. […]

Epoxy or Polyurethane Crack Injection: Which is Better?

The basic characteristics of epoxy and polyurethane Epoxy and polyurethane are resins; they are generally two-component formulations. The combination of the components for each type of resin creates the material with the necessary properties for crack repair. The components of epoxy are a resin and a hardener; mixed before a crack shot. The mixing ratio is typically two parts epoxy […]

Top 10 Small Business Ideas of 2020

Feeling bored with your regular nine to five job and looking to start a business? Are you looking to start an additional source of income? Or, do you want to start a small business in full swing to make it your career? The idea of ​​starting a business can be exciting and all it takes is time, effort, money and […]

Where Does Carbon Credit Exchange Money Go?

Carbon Credit Exchange Money A lot of people have questions about where does carbon credit exchange money go. It’s important to understand that there are a number of ways you can invest in the carbon credit market. One of the easiest ways is by investing in a carbon credit ETF, which tracks the market’s performance. Another way is to invest […]