I write the book on cold calling!

“If you put enough monkeys on typewriters,” said one of my consulting clients in a seminar with me, “sooner or later one of them will come up with WAR AND PEACE.” I was predicting that with so many people doing phone sales, telemarketing, lead generation, appointment setting, telesales, phone solicitations, inside sales, or whatever you want to call it; at […]

Dollhouse Décor – For the perfect fabric, think about color, pattern, and weight

If your inspiration for decorating dollhouse miniatures comes from interior design magazines or TV shows, don’t forget the scale you’re working on. It sounds self-evident, but many of us lose sight of that fact when we look at all the wonderful fabrics on offer. Here are some guidelines to help you focus on what’s most important: You’re looking for the […]

What are the 7 Laws of Adult Learning?

Organizations need to come together to take a different approach to teaching adults. They need to understand learning strategies, which are appropriate for these adult learners. Malcolm S. Knowles is known for espousing the theory of “andragogy” (“andra” meaning “male or adult”). According to Knowles, teaching an adult is different from teaching a child, as the maturity levels between the […]

9-11 five years later

Five years ago today, our great nation of freedom was attacked by a selective group of Islamic extremists. September 11, 2001 marked the first time since Pearl Harbor that an attack was carried out on American soil on such an enormous scale. It was an atrocity against every American citizen, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim or of any other belief, it […]

Secrets to work and pump

When I had my first child, I had no plans to go back to work. I suddenly had to go back into the workforce when he was three months old. He was not prepared at all and my son went from being an exclusively breastfed baby to a mostly formula baby in a short amount of time. I learned a […]